• Amelia Molly Mae Potter (The Lost Artist©2017)

BACKGROUND: the comic book is set futuristic London after an outbreak of a strange virus that mutated some peoples DNA, enabling people to have enhanced abilities. The comic is based on a true story, of which I encountered with my boyfriend who is mixed race. He experienced xenophobic remarks in a student bar because of his appearance. We were asked to leave as they refused to serve him because of his colour. So this comic is based on the emotions from this event. The comic is set in year 3031, were society is literally divided by colour-emphasised by the way the comic is illustrated (people with mutated DNA are illustrated in full colour, people unaffected remain in black and white). Each of the characters have a more personal experience of which I would like to do origin stories for of how they experience being a minority. Still in the year 3031, the world still judges humanity for indifference in race, religion, gender and class. Will there ever be an end to Xenophobia? Comic available:

Published comic on sale here:

Printed Comic:
Visual Development & Character Design: