Poetry and illustration “ping pong” in Damien Weighill and Daniel Cockrill’s brilliant book

  • Damien Weighill
Words by Jenny Brewer, It's Nice That, 2017.
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In The Beginning Was The Word, Then A Drawing, Then More Words, Another Drawing, And So On, And So On is the name of illustrator Damien Weighill and poet Daniel Cockrill’s book. The result of a “word and drawing-based game of ping pong” the two have been playing for a while, it features Damien illustrating in response to Daniel’s words, and vice versa, quickly roving off into bizarre and hilariously inventive territories.
Covering topics from men’s urinals in The Pisser to divine queries in Questions for God at Bedtime, the poems and their accompanying images are seamlessly interwoven, cleverly brought to life by Damien’s intricate and imaginative line drawings.
“It’s a sequential chain that alternates from poet to illustrator, [taking] each artist on a path they would not have discovered on their own,” Daniel says. “Responding to each other’s original and sometimes witty thoughts, we explore the darkness and the light, asking ‘why are we doing this?’ and ‘where is all this leading?’. We journey from the beginning of time and through unexplored space to an unknown destination in an uncertain and peculiar world.”


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