Side Hustle/ Photography

Portraits of Creatives & work space

  • Raafaye Ali

Hey there I'd love to do a project capturing portraits of creatives and documenting their workspace/studio desk /creative zone etc/your process I would come to your location at a time and day that fits your schedule Will bring my light set up to amplify the lighting within your space. Look forward to meeting new people In return you can have all pictures captured and edited. You will be referenced and linked to any outcomes. Would love to highlight you and your creative space which shows the human behind the creativity you produce. We are far more then just what we make. May ask some questions about your process and sources of inspiration, your fave books/art work /aspirations hopes concerns. How long you have been in your industry/trying to get in. Your fav places in London etc. This project will be entirely about you with some shots of you, desk, over shoulder as you work etc. Please get in contact if you are interested my email is

Looking for collaborators!

Let Raafaye know if you're a ...

  • Illustrator
  • Graphic Designer
  • 3D Animator
  • Motion Graphics Designer
  • Photographer
  • Fashion Designer
  • Textile Designer