Pregnancy Fashion A fashion collection of social clothes for the brand Mom's

  • bruna strunck mariz
This work aims to understand the gaps in the maternity fashion market in the city of Rio de Ja- neiro, and offer from a collection of data, a new look at the social and party fashion, specializing in pregnant women. Research and analysis along with the wishes expressed by the target audience, are the starting point of creating a design collection for winter 2015 rio de Janeiro brand specializing in pregnant Mom’s. As research tools, market research, interviews with consumers and store mana- gers, analysis of direct and indirect competitors and visits to the main selling points of Mom’s brand were performed. In the evaluation of the model of the clothes, the observation of the geometric shapes of the pieces on offer to pregnant women in the market was used. All these processes were essential to the development of the MetAMorphosis collection.
Fashion design. Pregnancy fashion. Social and party fashion. Winter 2015.