Pretty Fake.

  • Vermillion Wolf

this is a controversial piece reflecting the common trend within young teens/kids which has a detrimental effect on their mental health as they grow as body confidence and self expectance plus so much more goes out the window as to say yet we also find parents allowing young minds to accept this as a norm for every day which is wrong. But in later life, women find they are ogled at and treated like meat or are treated as an accessory because they find this their normality when instead they should be excepting themselves for who they really are and should have allowed themselves to of been kids when they were younger instead of being brainwashed by media and judgemental views. I'm not a prude in the slightest but I've seen more and more young teens etc wearing inappropriate clothing etc to which they are bullied because of their personal looks etc but as an honest man even I can see it's giving off the wrong message as I believe everything in moderation plus there's a right time and place for skimpy outfits plus an appropriate age for women to be wearing stuff like that for the right reasons, as kids should be kids playing not acting like something their not! Teach your kids to accept themselves before you dress them up and allow them to parade the streets like hookers in a bar.