Punts by Sarah Page at Theatre503, June 2017

  • Holly Hooper

PUNTS By Sarah Page

Theatre503, 31 May - 24 June 2017

Jack, a young man with a learning disability, lives at home, cared for by his devoted parents. Like most men in their twenties, he has needs – his mates at the rugby club talk about nothing but getting laid, whilst Jack's most erotic experience to date is the time he was winked at by the pretty cashier in Lloyds. Desperate for their son to not feel left out, his parents Alastair and Antonia decide that they should to bring in a professional. But Julia, the prostitute they hire, has a far more profound impact on the whole family than they could ever have imagined.
PUNTS was a finalist for The Nick Darke Writers' Award 2016. drawn from the playwright's interviews with sex workers, PUNTS is a hilarious and moving play about a young man's sexual awakening and its effect on those who so carefully orchestrated it.
Punts was nominated for three off west end awards:
Best Female - Florence Roberts
Best Male - Graham O'mara
Best Male - Christopher Adams


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