Rewind - UX

  • Christian Wroe
The brief
Create low-resolution digital content for three screens in the Rewind office space. These will be seen by all, employees and clients alike. 
Engaging other creatives is no easy task, in a work environment a balance needs to be established so that anything on these screens is not too distracting but at the same time a nice space to unwind when needed. Gamification can become addictive so I was careful to restrict the options down to three, Chaser, Tap and Pixel note. These small minute games are lighthearted and focus around day to day office life. Connecting your phone through an app you can challenge wager other colleagues to a game, loser buys lunch or a drink after work and so on. Points earned in app become a currency in this way earning points as you play to unlock titles in the rewards centre. A day cannot be all play however, this is where the screens can be switched to 'active'. Essentially an auto-play feature, this will be used for daily updates such as animated celebrations when Rewind win an award or receive a certain amount of traffic on their website. The demo animation here is set to 100 hits on the site. Clients who see these animations will be able to gage a sense of Rewinds impact in the world seeing what they get up to in their daily goings on. Anniversaries can also be celebrated for employees and other such annual events such as birthdays. Office happenings will flag up in the same fashion. The idea is to keep the screens active 24/7 but to not zap all attention from the important stuff. These animations celebrate all that is Rewind but compliment the working day whilst providing a calm space to recharge.