Spirit Of Soho

  • Isabel Pereira
Soho. A place full of opportunities and fun. It’s a place where everyone is welcome. There are bars, bookshops, restaurants, music stores as well as sex shops and LGBT supported places. For this project Spirit Of Soho we took pictures about the most outstanding and eye catching items and places of Soho.

We visited places such as the Red-light district that included the Chinatown, bookshops, theatres as well as gay bars.
In the video we started off with a picture of colourful overhead lights in Snog. It was to show the cheeriness of Soho, which is one of the most important elements of Soho. The images included in the video are placed randomly and consist mainly of bright colours because there are lights all around Soho. The reason why it is placed randomly is that it represents Soho as free in other words having no strict order of things and funkiness.

No special effects were placed in between the pictures because when we talk about Soho, no effects are needed. There are 25 pictures placed and they are shown for approximately half a second each. Some of them are took with us on it as to make it look as if it was a tourist who is there for the first time and is taking pictures