Sub Ars

  • Clarissa Stolfi
This project was born as a University project but became so much more. I was asked to create a video product to promote a zone of my city, the Municipio V, whose now enhancing.
Going through the streets I noticed that there was pleanty of artist of any kind and galleries and ateliers, and I decided to give voice to this realities that are outside the great museums and does not have the same visibility.
In a city like Rome, where everybody come to see its ancient monuments sometimes there's no space for smaller realities, and this is just what I've tried to do, create a retail to show all the amazing shades that this zone contains.
This was the first time ever I had to create a video, and I absolutely loved it.
Hope that discovering something new will be for you as amazing as it was for me.
Thank you for your attention!