Take Fucking Risks has had an amazing year.
And now for our 2018 finale, Take Fucking Risks: The Pub Crawl.
5 speakers. 4 pubs. 1 risky pub crawl.
You get a free drink for each speaker, that’s 5 free drinks (quick maths).
Drinking and learning from people who challenge the status quo, lead from the front, and get risky everyday. So pin your ears back, put your drinking shoes on, and get risky.
Bridget Minamore - poet, writer & journalist
Sereena Abbassi - Group Head of Culture & Inclusion @ M&C Saatchi
Gastón Tourn - CMO @ Badoo
Zeenah Vilcassim - Global Brand Director @ Bacardi
Paul Mellor - Creative Director @ Mellor&Smith
Speakers not listed in order!