The Adidas case

  • Nancy Barakiti
Some things are growing and change over time. This projects has to do with originallity and how it can be expressed by people and experiences that people cannot imagine. Having an extended Brand Analysis we retrieved that Adidas is a cool brand that is becoming more and more popular over time. It goes deeper and overass the surface. Explores many issues boosting individual's confidence and creates a community where people are different, special, original and authentic. This values needs to be showcased. The challenge of this brief was to identify the most appropriate celebrity endorsment which can enhance Adidas communications and pass the message. Choosing Lady Gaga as the next Adidas Celebrity endorsment, was a very careful choice based on research outcomes.
Lady Gaga is the perfect example that when authenticity and great talent meet, they can create something unique that people haven't seen before. The controversy can not change the facts.
Where talent meets creativity and originallity is where Adidas wants to be.
The result speaks for itself.