The House of Peroni - Oct 2014

  • Nathalie Gordon
  • Ugo Galelli
There’s no place like Roma, distinctive for its history, cuisine, culture and sights it’s a hub of fascination for tourists the world over. On the 3rd to the 31st of October The House of Peroni brought a slice of Roman culture to London through a collection of multi-sensory experiences; guests could step inside The House of Peroni to explore four floors of Italian style created collectively by Italian New Wave directors, artists, architects and chefs. Guests left believing Vidi Roma; (I Saw Rome).

I was the lead Creative on Peroni alongside M&C's Head of Design, coming up with all ideas and content for each residency from interiors, to editorial, to print, to film, to menus, to vinyls, as well as 365 days of online content on the website.