The Natalia Project

  • Johan Pihl
The Natalia Project
The Natalia Project is the world’s first alarm and positioning system for human rights defenders at risk. The participants wear the Natalia Project alarm on their wrists. In case of an attack, a pull of the wristband activates the alarm upon which a distress signal is sent to Civil Rights Defenders headquarters in Stockholm. The signal is then verified by people on the ground.
The ability to act quickly can be the difference between life and death. Within minutes of the attack, the signal is also sent out to global social media platforms, allowing people all over the globe to immediately get involved and exercise pressure on the regime.
Each participant of Natalia Project also has a comprehensive security plan. In order to become a participant, each human rights defender gets tailored security training where they learn how to use the bracelet and get assistance in developing an organizational security protocol.
The Natalia Project is named after Natalia Estemirova, who was abducted and murdered 2009 in Chechnya.