The Singleton Sensorium

The Singleton Sensorium was a pop up event held in London’s Soho, that blended scientific research with a sensual experience.

The event was designed to highlight the different flavours in The Singleton 12yr old Single malt, and to engage consumers with how important their surroundings are in order to get the best out of their whisky.

All of the design was rooted firmly in sensory science, and the event was also run as a bonafide scientific field study, in collaboration with Oxford University. The aim was to position the whisky brand at the forefront of drinks innovation. Caring about more than what's just in the glass, to give consumers the best possible experience of their product.

We created three immersive ‘sensory worlds’, where sound, scent, colour, decor and textures combine to highlight different flavours of the liquid. Taking one glass of The Singleton between the three rooms, you would notice a profound change in the balance of flavour. The change in perception is influenced entirely by the sensory architecture.

Guests were asked to note down how much the environments enhanced the taste as they walked from room to room. The data was taken back to the cross modal research lab in Oxford for analysis. The results were published in research journal 'Flavour'. The study proved that our sensory architecture enhanced flavour perception by around 20% in each room.

This sensory approach to the design of brand experiences and attributes is now embedded at the very top of The Singleton's brand strategy, with Condiment Junkie's 'Sensory Brand Principles' now influencing everything from packaging and glassware to retail space design and digital content for the brand.