The 'So-Called' American Dream

  • Hannah Clarke
For generations, ‘the American Dream’ has become a widespread term used to describe the United States as being the land of freedom, prosperity, and equal opportunities. These core values became the bedrock of America and helped bond people from across the globe into one united nation. This project sets out to challenge whether this national ethos still applies to the America of today, and to question whether the American Dream even still exists.

Through the use of collage I have focused on the two most contrasting time periods of American history. The first being the post-war era; a time that celebrated the pinnacle of America’s success and power on the global scale. It was a period that was remarkable for it’s revolutionary technological breakthroughs, significant social change, and world-leading discoveries; from the Civil Rights Act that bettered the lives of millions, to witnessing the first man walk on the moon, it was certainly an exciting time for America.

In contrast to this, I have also focused on the present-day America; a time currently caught up in widespread corruption and controversy. To illustrate this, I have addressed topics such as, Donald Trumps widely publicised presidency, terrorist attacks that have changed the world, increased gun crime, the growing obesity epidemic, and the nation’s ideology of excessive consumerism and overly materialistic lifestyles.