The Woman, The Mother & The Eighth (ISTD Pass)

  • Ciara Olive

‘The Woman, The Mother and The Eighth’ looks into the abortion debate in Ireland, with the topic remaining largely abrasive to the current day. In 2018, the Eighth Amendment was repealed, making abortion illegal in Ireland. The two sides in conflict, typically identify as pro-choice and pro-life, with the Roman Catholic religion remaining a large context behind the existing pro-life debate. The publication looks into the argument of the two sides and neutrality between them, distinctly made through the use of three typefaces and colours. The common ground of the mother/woman in discussion are seen as being commonly respected; these references are formatted in the neutral typeface throughout as this is a reciprocal connection between the two sides. AWARDED AN ISTD PASS 2019


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    International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD)

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