THINK! Would You?

  • Charlotte Grace Summers

CAMPAIGN CONTENT: The campaign consists of two sub campaigns; one specifically targets the 17-24 year old driver, the second targets the role of the passenger. The Driver Campaign will be a explicit campaign, rolled out across very targeted digital and student channels. Taking the form of an interactive social media campaign in which THINK! will collaborate with UNILAD, Reddit etc to maximise reach to the target demographic. The Passenger Campaign will be rolled out as an interactive poster campaign in public areas. Posters will be situated in city centres, roadsides and within pub/ bar environments on the back of toilet doors. OVERALL CAMPAIGN MESSAGE: Saying no to unsafe driving is a simple answer. Both sub campaigns play on the concept of the question ‘Would You?’ which encourages the driver and passenger to make a simple decision to not engage with unsafe driving habits.

The digital campaign would take over Facebook channels that specifically engage with the demographic such as Reddit, UNILAD, FunnyOrDie and The LadBible. This will intrigue the demographic, encouraging engagement with THINK! and aid campaign continuity from the gif and posts that will be shared via social media platforms including the posters. ‘Would You’, the brand strap-line is consistent throughout all communications often acting as a cover photo for collaborators pages to show their involvement with the campaign.
When scrolling, through Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, the gif would interact on the users touch or scroll over the video. The scrolling motion would activate the gif showing a boy being kicked in the balls. An example of how this would function is shown below, a digital gif is also attached on the CD provided. This is to surprise the user and encourage them to explore the content. The gif would be shared across social media to disrupts the demographic’s feed.
The ‘underground’ campaign will be targeted specifically at the 17-24 year old demographic. The challenging posters will be placed within populated student areas such as Hyde Park, Leeds shown below. The tone of voice is disruptive, direct and bold to engage the demographic’s curiosity and encourage them to read the finer body copy details.
The overground campaign would target passengers that travel with the 17-24 year old demographic specifically friends, girlfriends and siblings. This campaign would be rolled out through the financial year with poster focus alternating between the four key priority messages. This would refresh the campaign and prompt the public with new questions. Highlighted below are variations for drink driving and drug driving focus with the relatable situations shown below. Does this second question change their answer?
The posters are fully interactive and would be placed in city centres on digital screens engaging with passers-by. The double facing posters would also be placed to engage with the transport they highlight e.g. the train station or at a bus stop to encourage conversation about safe driving. Simply tap on the screen to unveil the next question. The screens would also automatically change on a 10 seconds delay when there was a lack of touch interaction, to ensure the campaign engages with passers-by.