Together Alive: Humans and Nature

  • Jalma Fiolka

In this personal art project, the essence lies in the visual comparison of humans' and nature's life. I explored natural forms that recur in the human body and vice versa to merge them in one layered art piece.

I derive a lot of visual (design) inspiration from my natural surroundings, and I am not the only one. I believe it's not coincidence that natural forms and shapes reappear in everyday objects we use. In innovation that seeks sustainable solutions to human challenges, nature's time-tested patterns and strategies have often been emulated.
Through the layering of the two drawings and wax, the similarties of the human body and nature are easily visible. This was one of the first projects that evake my desire to strive for natural design solutions. And also to care more about sustainability in design.
In this project I started experimenting a lot and documenting my progress thoroughly. I reviewed different artists, experimented with their work style and tried to translate some knowledge into my style of work.