Top 10 Best Halloween Cosplays (Halloween)

  • Calixtus Ashley Wee

Hi all! Now comes a great article of recommendations, for cosplay pieces that are anime-inspired for this Halloween! You can really get some hands on interaction with this one article, as you craft your own costume for the scariest holiday of the year! And for that, you can take your pick from my personally rated selection of ten of the best I can find online. Let's get write on to it! 10. EyeCandy What a way to begin, the countdown of the top ten, with the most important feature, the doorways to the soul, pictured as our first entry in the ten. You can get these coloured contacts, blood-red to accentuate that perfect haunting glare, preferable, as the company,, sells them just for those anime-inspired cosplay for Halloween. Be sure to pick up some eyecatching contacts, for just the right haunting look, or stare! 9. Eyes Stitched Shut I am not that enthused with this repeat, but it only goes to show how the higher-ranked numbers must be mind-blowing, as some might rightfully be described as such! This is a creepy makeup look designed by an award-winning, Special FX Makeup Artist, Holland Miller, who was inspired by the movie, "The Devil's Backbone", speaking of which, is the subject of the next entry after. 8. The Devil's Backbone This isn't actually a picture named "The Devil's Backbone", but I took some creative, writing liberties with this, given the association from the previous post. It is meagrely described as just "awesome gory Special FX makeup", which it rightfully is, and if this is rated over a "top ten grossest horror cosplay", this one definitely snatches first place. However, we are looking for the best Halloween cosplay, and even as I believe it will fit well with a torture costume, I am inclined more towards something with more tasteful substance, if there ever can be in such a category. 7. Placebo FX Makeup Slashed Wrist Wound I have named this as such, as a clever marketing of the Special FX company that made the rather, in terms of the level of disgust and at the same time adequacy to fit within this top ten rating, Slashed Wrist Wound, which fits just right into any zombie cosplay, and perhaps a few entries back near the top where something this tame belongs. And oh, the company is Placebo FX Makeup, for your information. Be sure to get them for that Slashed Wrist makeup effect, or we will get them for you! 6. Felice Fawn Gallery For some reason, I have decided to rate this rather high on the list. As I have said, it is not all gore, but aesthetics, and something pleases the male eye, even covered in the horror of blood, about the picture, a certain anatomy that has common enough occurrence and err...coverage, in animes, if you were to get my suggestion ;)? 5. Child's Play: Fem Chucky by Puppetsfall For the bottom five, we will have them as full cosplay costumes, instead of having them come in pieces of zombie meatchunks, in disembodied disarray. And what better way to start the countdown than my most hated nightmare of a "living doll". The staple Child's Play: Female Chucky, by cosplayer Puppetsfall, all entirely disagreeable with my every sense, so I shall rate this the lowest full cosplay in the top ten countdown. See you "living" with that, now eh? 4. Halloween Mermaid Makeup Next, we will have a surprisingly mellow entry for a Halloween cosplay, something that pleases aesthetically enough, without the gore and blood-splattered horror. And we keep to the tradition that Halloween is not just about the ghosts and ghouls, but is very much a custom-made costume party, of any proportions or designs, and so this entry is acceptable, especially after the previous one, which deserves a term of condemnation in the fury of Hell. I freaking hate dolls, and might just not have a daughter because of that. Note the scales on the mermaid's face though, that is some art. 3. Zombie Wife Here is a lethal combination you will never see, not because there are no such things as zombies, but you will never catch one being somebody in his right mind's wife, and this one is as definitive as it gets. That's one ugly piece of work, and I need mention it here, because whatever they did to that mouth, it almost seems not just cosmetic. Did they carve out a hole where they were supposed to just use makeup? Or is this entirely special effects? Whatever it is, they achieved it, one ghastly effect. 2. Spider-Woman This one deserves top mention, not on just horrific appeal or quality, but the level of detail and artistry that went into this cosplay, certainly deserves a top spot, and I gave it second place for the perfection that comes after, and you will see what I mean, soon enough. Speaking about this though, this is creepy enough, the look without the spider theme, and we all know the massive phobia even a harmless tarantula incites, and now we have it in a form of a woman, in every respect a far more frightening synthesis, that has ever come. 1. Anime Girl Halloween Cosplay And here, stands our prime spot, the position of top best Halloween cosplay, given to this fine young Asian lady, because I am presuming partially that this get-up is based on an actual anime inspired cosplay, that is in some ways remotely related at least to Halloween. A prospect, I admit I thought unlikely, and close to impossible, given my online research yielded nothing in that specific niche. No matter what, when it comes to anime, it doesn't get as close to genuine as an anime-character lookalike girl, who, if indeed Japanese, is a huge bonus for otaku nerds and weeaboos. And there we have it, the best top 10 Halloween cosplays I can manage, given what limited material there already is. It is my hope that my wit more than makes up for this rather uninformative read, at least for me. And if you disagree, you can get chummy with me in the comments, which is something greatly welcomed! A fresh perspective against my own, self-depreciating one, I lure you into the possible temptation of disagreeing with that claim of mine, and asserting back my confidence, renewed! To be honest, I would rather you challenge my selection for this top ten, something I believe will be highly interesting, given the lack of material on this particular subject, so make mention of those in the comments, peace out!