Tratado de Liligrafia [Treatment of Liligraphy]

  • Camila Gonzatto da Silva
Lili is a nine years old girl, who spends a weekend with her grandfather and the maid, because her parents traveled. Not knowing what to do with his granddaughter, who is bored and sulky, the grandfather spent the night creating a playful game, which involves poetry and tasks, inspired by the world of the poet Mario Quintana. The two begin to play, but the grandfather gets ill. Then, Lili assumes command of the game. Festivals: 7° Mostra de Cinema Infantil de Florianópolis; 5° Festival Cinema de Arte de Salvador; Festival de Tiradentes; Mostra Curta Audiovisual, SESC Campinas; Festival Cine Mube: Menção Honrosa; Prix Jeunesse Iberoamericano 2009; 4ª Mostra Campinas; Festival de Cinema e Vídeo de Palmas 2009; 33º Festival Guarnicê (2010); 6th annual Los Angeles International Children’s Film Festival; FICI 2010 Madrid Prizes: Best video – audience award (Festival Guarnicê and Festival de Cinema e Vídeo de Palmas); Best video (Festival de Cinema e Vídeo de Palmas); Best art direction (Festival de Cinema e Vídeo de Palmas)