TV 2 Murder Game

  • Amie Mills
To support the launch of ABC's How To Get Away With Murder on TV 2, we asked fans to put what they learned from the show into practice by playing a 6-week TV2 murder mystery game. The game cast the player as part of an elite criminal defence team fighting to clear a client of a murder charge.

The native iOS and Android game comprised video, image, text, robo calls, and audio clues. Content lived on multiple platforms (on-air, YouTube, Tumblr, Twitter, media online and print publications etc.) with the app as the central hub of the game. Players were asked to collect evidence, and each week they had to choose whether to bury or leak the evidence to gain points. The penultimate leak or bury move in the game led to different game endings for players depending on the choice they made.

The game was very well received by fans, with over 8,800 downloads, and a phenomenal 95.4% returning rate for players. Players created their own Facebook group, with a strong community of dedicated advocates. There were over 124,000 gaming sessions, over 2 million page views and a huge average time spent playing of 17 minutes in the launch week, with 16 screens on average viewed per visit.