Underrated Films (Itcher)

  • Jack Hudson

I specialised in the on-site category 'Underrated Movies' for Itcher Magazine and reviewed the best in disregarded big-hitters and lesser known indie-films. During this time my reviews gained feedback from world-renowned directors, like Rob Epstein and Judd Apatow.

Underrated Movies: “Howl” (2010) – Drama
Allen Ginsberg first performed ‘Howl’ to a crowd of poets, writers and political types wielding gallon-jugs of wine, courtesy of Jack Kerouac...
Underrated Movies: “Place Beyond The Pines” (2012) – Drama
Travelling stuntman takes his motorbike to the streets for a series of bank jobs. He hopes to get away with enough money to provide for his new kid, but, as the cops follow hard on his heels, he soon finds out that he’ll be lucky just to survive...
Underrated Movies: "Funny People" (2009) – Drama
I look at one of the lowest-rated films so far, ‘Funny People’, and put myself on trial to justify why it’s one of my favourite comedies...