At Inkling we aim to practice what we teach by offering truly flexible working; over 50% of our team work part-time. We have team members who commit this time to their families, while others focus on their passion projects or simply enjoy time to themselves. Despite what many assume about the limitations of flexible working, we still manage to grow year-on-year, increase our revenue and profit and continue to develop deep and meaningful connections with each other (something we measure monthly).
Flexibility is also offered in the way we work; anyone can choose to work from home (ensuring they are still able to deliver outstanding client and team outcomes). We empower our team with autonomy and flexibility so they can fit their work around their lives. The latest research suggests that this is becoming more and more important as our younger generations seek to live a full life over one spent in the office 51 weeks of the year, placing higher value on work-life balance and flexibility over salary. This is also the case for older generations who are living longer and choosing to stay in the workforce but not wanting to, or are capable of, doing the full-time slog. At Inkling, we also deeply understand the needs of women, who in Australia still do 50% more childcare and house work, making it harder to work 9-5 in an office and needing flexibility to manage around their families. Our policy is also heavily linked to research on performance – people who are able to work from home are more productive, energised and motivated.
We also highly value rest and rejuvenation so that we can bring the best versions of ourselves to work. The science tells us that we need to give our brain and body a rest in order to be at our absolute best. This is why we offer all Inkling team members six weeks annual leave – this allows them to have multiple breaks throughout the year, take extended breaks for study, travel or simply choose to do nothing. Our annual leave policy has become a defining part of our culture, where we each take accountability for ensuring we take the breaks we need to follow our passions, interests and ensure we get a balance of both rest and play (FYI we consider work as play!).
The impact this has had for Inkling as a business has been incredible and we have been able to:
Attract and retain super stars. We have been able to attract great talent, who chose us over companies that would not offer them the same freedom, making it impossible for them to balance their life commitments/desires. To those other organisations not brave enough to make the transition to flexible working we say: our gain and your loss!
Inspire and motivate our team. I am continually grateful and overwhelmed by the commitment and motivation of our team. I truly believe that the trust and autonomy we offer them is returned to us tenfold through incredible passion and a willingness to go beyond what is expected. Dan Pink’s work on motivation clearly shows that autonomy is critical to inspiring innovation, creativity and unlocking potential.