Zep Tepi and The Boy From Venus

  • Victoria Mórtola
Zep Tepi & the Boy from Venus is a brand new band that first began as an acoustic duet formed by Alex Nestor and Julieta Ruiz who performed their first EP (LOLA) at Casa Sic twice and Zenith (Voodoo Motel) once. It was born in 2012 in Palermo, Buenos Aires. More exactly in Alex Nestor's house, when they got together to catch up and all of a sudden started creating what then became their first song "Chapstick boy".
Agustín Rissotti joined the bass during the recording of their first EP "Lola" at his house in Flores, Buenos Aires. He recorded and mixed the EP and then switched bass to play first guitar with Julieta. Rocío Alem joined the drums in the summer of 2013, she attended High School with Julieta Ruiz, they've been friends since then, so when she started drum lessons, both Alex and Julieta, asked her to join them. Last but not least Victoria Mórtola joined the second guitar the same summer of 2013. She met Julieta in 2011 when they got together to start an all girl band and started it in 2012 called KAH. These two girls are still playing in the all girl band and they've also started a duet together called The Dildos in 2014. They've been friends since they met, again both Alex and Julieta asked her to join the band.