Adam Shaw

Adam Shaw

PhotographerMelton Mowbray, United Kingdom
+ Info


Stefano Giussani
Paul Liam Du Bois
Maksym Yefremov
Adam Shaw

Adam Shaw

PhotographerMelton Mowbray, United Kingdom
About me
I work as a lifestyle photographer and help businesses and brands tell their story through their people. Getting to know a person or a community, be that in an organisation or within a neighbourhood, getting to understand what makes them tick and helping to release their spark through photography or video is something I have discovered over the years of working professionally that really gets me excited. Helping someone to communicate a piece of their heart, and by that help others, thats something really special and I think that is what I love about working within photography. Telling diverse peoples stories through photographing or filming them on location or in a studio environment, its that transference of a personality feeling comfortable in front of a camera that I love to be a part of. I work with creatives in agencies, marketing departments and smaller businesses and charities across the UK and if I can help you it would be great to hear from you.
  • First Hundred Days
    First Hundred DaysA conversation and portrait with one person each day for the first hundred days of Boris Johnson's Conservative government. Asking the question, "What are you hoping for?” I’ve wanted for a while now to find some way of engaging photographically with the upheaval we’ve faced in UK politics. The rise in populism, the polarisation of debate and the sheer shouty-ness of it all has become a new normal which should not be normal. So as the election was underway last year the thought germinated to
  • Storehouse
    StorehouseFoodbanks have increasingly become essential lifelines for many here in the UK. For example within the Trussel Trust's network of foodbanks over 159,000 emergency food bags were provided during December 2017 and the year on year trend sadly sees that figure continuing to grow. We have an independent foodbank called Storehouse in the town where my studio is based and to help wave the flag for what they do I shot this stop motion video for them to use on their social channels in the run up to
  • Loopwheels
    LoopwheelsLocation photography for Loopwheels with Paige Murray, a T34 Wheelchair Racer and Spencer Watts, a motorcross rider. Loopwheels are an innovative design company from the UK who produce vibration reducing wheels for wheelchair users. Their products reduce vibrations and jolts by upto 70% allowing their users to get around more easily and with less fatigue.
  • British Pie Awards
    British Pie AwardsBlack and white portraiture from the 2019 British Pie Awards. Featuring a selection of the entrants, judges and team who help make the awards happen. Almost 900 pies from all over the UK were judged at a grand ceremony held at St Mary’s Church in Melton Mowbray during British Pie Week (4th-10th March). The awards have been running since 2009 and boast 23 classes, ranging from the ubiquitous Melton Mowbray Pork Pie to the newest addition 'Vegan Pie’, the second most popular category at this yea
  • The Tudor Child
    The Tudor ChildThe Tudor Tailor approached me to produce photography for their 2012 book, The Tudor Child: Clothing and Culture 1485 to 1625. Working with co-author Ninya Mikhaila at her studio, the production team shot the model photography and close up cut outs of the garments over a 2 day shoot for the book. Utilising a total of 10 child models whose ages ranged from 9 months to 16 years (and with several costume changes per child), it was a very busy couple of days with a huge amount of smiles and giggle
  • Perkins, Dubai
    Perkins, DubaiLocation editorial photography hi-lighting Perkin's unique customer service offer.
Work history
    PhotographerAdam Shaw Photography
    Melton Mowbray, United KingdomFull Time
    Studio and location commercial photography, specialising in people and products.
    PhotographerJupiter Design Ltd
     - Nottingham, United KingdomFull Time
    Commercial studio and location photography for a wide range of high street retail and consumer brands. Providing a photographic and video production resource within the business for such areas as pitch work and design visuals.
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  • Photography
  • Photography Production
  • Photoshoots
  • Commercial Photography
  • Advertising Photography
  • Portrait Photography
  • Product Photography
  • Digital Retouching
  • Studio Lighting
  • Location Photography
    BA (Hons) PhotographyNottingham Trent University
     - Nottingham, United Kingdom