Adam Williams

Adam Williams

Maker, Illustrator & Creative AssistantLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Amaan Ali
Joseph McCarthy
Adam Williams

Adam Williams

Maker, Illustrator & Creative AssistantLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Experienced Freelance Maker & Illustrator with a demonstrated history of working in the design industry. Skilled in Adobe Photoshop, Illustration, 3D Making, Public Speaking, and Microsoft Office. Strong arts and design professional with an honours degree focused on Illustration & Animation from Kingston University. A confident and hard working team player who strives to produce high quality work.
  • NX Community
    NX CommunityA logo for the New Cross (NX) community group in London. I wanted to create a playful design that reflected the groups young members. The logo can be stripped down to simple text which allows the character illustrations to be used across other parts of their social media.
  • Lunch Lads
    Lunch LadsAn ongoing project to document foods that I've made with some characters to accompany them. Whilst getting lost in assisting work (to pay the bills) I wanted to find a way to dust off some skills that I haven't put to use for quite some time. The idea is simple; Make a dish/item of food, photograph it, edit the picture and create an illustration around it.
  • Creative Coffee Morning
    Creative Coffee MorningCreating a brand logo, banner and social media posts for 'Creative Coffee Morning'. CCM was a series of virtual coffee mornings for creatives to meet, chat and grow their network. It was established and ran by illustrators Connie Noble & Katy Streeter.
  • The Essentials of Brand Building - Courier Magazine Issue #46
    The Essentials of Brand Building - Courier Magazine Issue #46Spot illustrations to accompany a feature titled The Essentials of Brand Building. Sponsored by Mailchimp in Courier Magazine.
  • Greetings Cards
    Greetings CardsA project creating a series of greetings cards to sell online.
  • Motivational Monday Message
    Motivational Monday MessageA motivational message to kick start your week!
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Projects credited in
  • Star Wars K-2SO for Comic Con Silicon Valley
    Star Wars K-2SO for Comic Con Silicon ValleyA wonderful continuation of our exciting collaborative adventures with Owen Gildersleeve and team. After the hugely positive response to our Iron Man build in 2016, the organisers of the Silicon Valley Comic Con asked us back for a second year, to develop a new paper sculpture to wow the crowds in 2017. With the recent release of the new Star Wars film Rogue One, we all decided that it had to be the incredible new humanoid robot K-2SO!
Work history
    King logo
    King logo
    Freelance IllustratorKing
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Providing creative assistance to the Performance Marketing team within King’s in-house Creative Studio. Working on Creative Test Banners, App Store Optimisations and Cross Promotions across titles including Candy Crush Saga, Farm Hero Saga & Bubble Witch 3 Saga.
    Creative AssistantDan Woodger
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Using Adobe Creative Suite to assist in the production of editorial and concept based illustration and animation projects for clients including Amazon, Kiehl’s, Lifebuoy, The Mean Tomato, & Two Dots.
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  • Photoshop
  • Sewing
  • Drawing
  • Image Making
  • Prop Making
  • 2D Animation
  • Embroidery
  • Illustration
  • Puppet Making
    BA(Hons) Illustration AnimationKingston School of Art & Design
     - Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom
    First Class