Alice Wainwright

Alice Wainwright

Co-Founder and account directorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Jhonny Núñez
Marta Mateu Lloveras
Alice Wainwright

Alice Wainwright

Co-Founder and account directorLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Journal Issue 3 JOY
    Journal Issue 3 looks at the journey of modern founders. We explore their life and work and examine what drives them - the steps they took to build their brands and what their ultimate goals are. Issue 3 will take you on a fantastical journey as well as introduce you to one of London's up and coming gift giving havens - with featured work from the revered fantasy filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki, an introduction to The Every Space and a look at the Art of Ping Pong. Each piece will give you an insig
  • Marketing
  • Marketing Strategy