amy-louise Magee

amy-louise Magee

Freelance designer and picture editorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Madeleine Sutherland
Oda Aurora Norlund
Benjamin Hulme
amy-louise Magee

amy-louise Magee

Freelance designer and picture editorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I recently graduated with a 2:1 from Chelsea College of Arts studying Graphic Design Communication; for my Final Major Project, I produced an editorial surrounding the idea of ‘Glamorous Hooligans’ and the football casual movement of the 1970s. Alongside this, I’m currently a Freelance Sport Picture Editor for the Daily Mail and have been working in this position since September; it’s offered me plenty of opportunities for further development but precisely honing my skills in time management and working under high pressure and technical skills. Also picking up freelance roles at SEASON zine and various other quick freelance designer roles.
  • The Calm & The Storm
    The Calm & The Storm
  • A Game Of Two Halves
    A Game Of Two Halves
  • Glamorous Hooligans.
    Glamorous Hooligans.
Projects credited in
  • TEDxUAL - What Would Kanye Do
    TEDxUAL - What Would Kanye DoDelivering a talk at TEDxUAL on mental health, bipolar disorder and finding my way out of the dark.
  • UAL Part-Time Job Fair
    UAL Part-Time Job FairPromote your job vacancies to thousands of creative job seekers!
Work history
    Picture EditorSeason Zine
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    sport picture editorNewspaper
    London, United KingdomFreelance
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  • Adobe Create Suite
  • Project Management
  • Communication
  • Graphic Communication
  • Painting
  • Digital art
    Chelsea College of Arts (UAL) logo
    Chelsea College of Arts (UAL) logo
    Graphic Design CommunicationChelsea College of Arts (UAL)
    London, United Kingdom
    Bath Spa School of Art logo
    Bath Spa School of Art logo
    Foundation Diploma in Art and DesignBath Spa School of Art
    Bath, United Kingdom
    Finished this course with a merit
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