Anna Negrini

Anna Negrini

Freelance Visual Designer & Art DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
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Amruta Phadtare
Ugo Lo Presti
Ana Borcescu
Anna Negrini

Anna Negrini

Freelance Visual Designer & Art DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I believe in a design that is not only functional but also memorable. That makes the difference. That conveys a personality. That’s why I love being involved from the very start, when the brand is shaped. I always need to produce work that I can be proud of, so I’ll dedicate the same effort both working for a small brand and a multinational company. I’m not scared by challenges and hard work, and I strongly believe in the power of working together to find the right voice. I thrive when I’m asked to bring fun and flair to a project, and being a generalist allows me to tackle jobs that require a broad range of skills. Last but not least I like working on things that matter.
  • Forward Festival Berlin sticker
    Forward Festival Berlin stickerCreative competion in collaboration with Stickerapp to design 1 of the 5 stickers for the Goodie Bag Sticker Pack.
  • Fedrigoni 366
    Fedrigoni 366I was selected among other UK based graphic designers to participate in the 2024 Fedrigoni 366 book. I This year, using the latest HP Indigo® digital print technology, not two copies are the same. My page in the book: 17 (Oh Dear!) January. How do you beat bad luck? This kit will help you get through today.
  • NearSt
    NearStNearSt believes in the strength of High Street stores and is on the mission to get people back into physical retail showcasing in-store products on Google and Facebook. We worked together to build a brand language that is a representation of that confidence and strength through real, unpolished images, straightforward copy and bold colours and headlines, illustrations that tell a story with humor. A set of mockups and animations has been created to explain the technical side as simple as possib
  • Strengthscope
    StrengthscopeStrengthscope® has been used in a wide range of industries all over the world to to reveal the unique strengths of people, enabling them to bring their most authentic and inspired selves to work and to life every day. I’ve been asked – as part of their brand refresh – to come up with light illustrations (generic and of the team) in order to bring out the energy of the brand and to tell a story. I’ve also worked on ebooks, infographics and social media assets.
  • Women in Identity
    Women in IdentityWII is a not-for-profit, volunteer-led network of predominantly women working in the identity sector. They asked for a more “human” and consumer-friendly interpretation of their identity as their branding was designed “on the fly” therefore inconsistent and too corporate. The proposed look feel needed to be easily applied by non-designers across different media and platforms, so use of standard Windows or web fonts was compulsory. I’ve developed a kit of graphic signs based on their logo to u
  • Skinder
    SkinderBranding, packaging and website for Skinder, minimalist hybrid skincare solutions. The visual language is based on basic clean typography and lines to highlight the simplicity and pureness of the product. Playful visuals and animations tell the product features. The packaging uses emboss and black foil to highlight the brand.
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Projects credited in
  • Top 10: career advice tips for 2023
    Top 10: career advice tips for 2023Job hunting? Thinking of pivoting your career? Struggling with motivation? Working with a tricky client? We’ve got you! We’ve put together our top 10 career-related questions for 2023 to help you navigate through the year ahead, no matter if you’re just starting out, or already have experience in the industry. Click through to see insights, advice and top tips from industry mentors and our brilliant Dots community. Got some thoughts of your own? Please add your own wisdom if you have anything
  • The Dots | Year in Review 2022
    The Dots | Year in Review 2022…and that’s a wrap! Thanks to you, our brilliant Dots community for your kindness, positivity and collaborative vibes. See the images below to view our highlights for the year. See you in 2023!
  • 20 Letters to Self
    20 Letters to SelfA collaboration project with other creatives to create a series of our own inspirations and visual messages to bring into the new decade, 2020!
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Work history
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    - Collaboration with Communication Agencies, Brand Strategists, Marketing Managers and startups on various projects (branding, responsive websites, print & digital design) - Freelancing allowed me to develop my organisational and communication skills: being proactive, presenting my ideas and deal with clients, budgeting and managing my time often with tight deadlines, pushing myself out of the comfort zone, solve the problems, deliver my work to third parties efficiently
    Web & Graphic
    London, United KingdomFreelance
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  • Visual Design
  • Typography
  • Print Design
  • Web Design
  • Illustration
  • Graphic Design
  • Brand Design
  • Wordpress CMS
  • Icon Design
  • Gif Animation
  • Logo Design
  • Infographic Design