Anna Tudos

Anna Tudos

CuratorGlasgow, United Kingdom
+ Info


Kristóf - KristofLab Szabó
Anna Tudos

Anna Tudos

CuratorGlasgow, United Kingdom
About me
Anna Tudos is a freelance curator from Budapest, Hungary based in Glasgow, Scotland. She is particularly interested in exploring hidden histories and underrepresented issues often through unconventional ways of mediating art.
  • Know Your City Alleycat Poster and Identity
    Know Your City Alleycat Poster and Identity
Work history
    Assistant CuratorOver Over Over
    Glasgow, United KingdomFreelance
    Could a critical exchange encourage alternative narratives between Detroit and Glasgow based artists? “Over Over Over” wants to engage the public to explore life in each respective city. It aims to produce a taxonomy of conviviality, instead of the usual catchy fanfare (The ______ Miracle, The Creative ______ ) which obscures a hidden agenda to make citizens responsible for things once the purview of the state or larger institutions. We are not our own safety nets. The artists involved have a charm of being down to earth while also brilliantly, accessibly, critical. This energy is better spent exploring the myriad of ways that we engage with reality and each other. /Cedric Tai/
    ResearcherNeon Muzeum
    Warsaw, PolandFreelance
    The book Neon Revolution features photographs of cold war neon signs in Budapest. Taking her research as a starting point for a dialogue, Anna Tudos is curating an exhibition presenting the multifaceted nature of neon signs and their relevance for today’s Hungary. Should we regard the popularity of these signs as perfect examples of exoticising the East or can they carry a meaning that goes beyond nostalgia? Nearly 20 years after faulty neon tubes put up in hurry were ridiculed by the local press, we experience different forms of public propaganda. Hateful billboards of today are much less sophisticated and almost anti-aesthetic, compared to the neon signs of the cold war. From another point of view, light pollution caused by light ads is constantly growing in the post-89, capitalist metropolises.
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  • Project Management
  • Team Collaboration
  • Graphic Design
  • Community Art
  • Urban Design
  • Driving License
  • Academic Research
  • Exhibition Coordinating
  • Art Journalism
  • Arts Education
    Master of Letters, Curatorial PracticeGlasgow Schoold of Art / The University of Glasgow
     - Glasgow, United Kingdom
    ExchangeKöln International School of Design
     - Cologne, Germany
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    Membership at the Studio of Young Artists Association HungaryStudio of Young Artists Association