Arthur Stitt

Arthur Stitt

Account DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
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Ryan D.
Agris Veinbergs
Marcus Procida
Arthur Stitt

Arthur Stitt

Account DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Director at Calverts, a London based co-operative of graphic designers and printers, founded on values of self-help, equality, honesty and social responsibility
  • Algae Black Friday
    Algae Black FridayAlgae black is a safe, renewable, carbon negative pigment made from spirulina. The spirulina is grown to produce phycocyanin, a natural food colouring, and the remaining algae by-product is then made into a bio-based ink by our friends @livinginktech. We’re the first printers in the UK to use it and it’s now available for printing on our litho offset press.
  • Our Time on Earth
    Our Time on EarthGroundbreaking catalogue for Our Time On Earth, an exhibition on how creativity can transform the conversation around climate change at the Barbican Centre until the end of August 22. Designed by Stinsensqueeze and printed by Calverts with algae black ink on recycled papers made from grape pulp (amongst others). Dust jackets repurposed from paper waste offcuts. Exposed binding with mulled edging.
  • Paperjam workshops
    Paperjam workshopsOur unique Paperjam workshops give designers, print buyers, students and publishers a lively introduction to the art of print and how creative print design can create beautiful and effective publications. What we’ll cover: Artwork – what your printer will need from you and best way to supply it to make sure you get a perfect reproduction from your design Print processes – learn about digital printing, litho offset printing, riso printing, screen printing and how to choose which will work best f
  • Revolution Decoded: Iran’s Digital Media Landscape
    Revolution Decoded: Iran’s Digital Media LandscapeClient: Small Media Format: 213mm x 152mm, six booklets 16pp-32pp with poster and bellyband, loop stitched Materials: 150gsm Symbol Satin, 120gsm Papagayo Mediterranean Blue Medium: CMYK digital London-based action lab providing digital research, training and advocacy solutions to support the work of civil society actors who provide assistance to at-risk communities around the world.
  • A Bloomsbury Souvenir
    A Bloomsbury SouvenirClient: Design for Today/Alice Pattullo Format: 150x100mm, long 26pp, 13-panel leporello fold Material: 240gsm Munken Pure smooth Method: Litho four Pantone colours Tribute to the decorative arts of Bloomsbury, taking inspiration from the painted furniture, gardens and murals of Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant.
  • Crass Art and Other Pre Post Modernist Monsters 1961-1997
    Crass Art and Other Pre Post Modernist Monsters 1961-1997Client: Exitstencil Press/Gee Vaucher Format: 267mm x 217mm, 120pp, perfectbound Material: 140gsm Edixion, 500 micron greyboard cover Method: Digital CMYK “Artists often lament the loss of quality when their work is reproduced. But the work of a purely graphic artist is invariably enhanced by the printing process.” Ian Dury “By its nature, [Gee Vaucher’s] work has previously appeared in unexpected places, giving a shock of truth. That’s been a large part of its power. Gee is a prime example
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Projects credited in
  • GMD Show Catalogue 2022
    GMD Show Catalogue 2022Offset Litho printed broadsheet to accompany the Graphic and Media Design graduation show at LCC. Client: London College of Communication Format: A2 (594x420mm), double sided folding down double closed gatefold to A5 (210x148mm). Materials: 100gsm Colorplan Pristine White. Method: Offset Litho CMYK printing both sides.
  • Gust, Ghost, Host: MACHINE! Marathon
    Gust, Ghost, Host: MACHINE! MarathonProgramme for the Serpentine Marathon 2017. Designed by Atelier Carvalho Bernau with Vera van de Seyp, this booklet features the work of Mario Santamaría studies the role of the contemporary observer. Amongst his work is the continuously growing collection of images of Google Streetview robots’ gaze falling upon themselves, in the mirrors of the institutes they are tasked to document. Staring at their own image, what do they see? Santamaría collects his findings on and on th
  • Project Level Design Principles
    Project Level Design PrinciplesA design guide from The National Infrastructure Commission’s Design Group, covering the principles of climate, people, places and value, with a mission to inspire greater quality of the UK’s infrastructure. 240x170mm finished size. 34 text leaves on 150gsm Munken Lynx Smooth. Two cover leaves on 400gsm Munken Lynx Smooth. Printed Offset Litho in 3 Pantones + Process Black. Spiral Bound with Black plastic coil. Design by Europa.
  • Discovering New Roads 2010-2016
    Discovering New Roads 2010-2016Innovation in dance and photography. Four colour black for halftone depth, Singer sewn with red thread into the spine. Client: Akram Khan/Colas Format: 220mm x 220mm, 44pp, centre sewn Materials: 150gsm Munken Lynx Smooth, Vanguard Silver Grey 300 micron board Medium: CMYK and mono digital
  • Bombyx Mori
    Bombyx MoriMonograph on British artist Simon Periton, published by Firstsite. Extensive blind embossing effects. Client: Secondary Modern/Firstsite Colchester Format: 230mm x 240mm, crash folded 48pp, slipcase and postcards Materials: 140gsm and 300gsm Arcoprint Extra White, 150g Hello Silk Method: Litho CMYK and one Pantone
  • Guest, Ghost, Host: MACHINE! Marathon
    Guest, Ghost, Host: MACHINE! MarathonProgramme for the Serpentine Marathon 2017. Printed in two Pantone spot colours; 805 and Green. Designed by Atelier Carvalho Bernau with Vera van de Seyp, this booklet features the work of Mario Santamaría studies the role of the contemporary observer. Amongst his work is the continuously growing collection of images of Google Streetview robots’ gaze falling upon themselves, in the mirrors of the institutes they are tasked to document. Staring at their own image, what do they see? Santamaría col
Work history
    Creative Services ManagerCalverts Design & Print
    London, United KingdomFull Time
  • Print Design
  • Web Management
  • Training
  • Communication Promotion
  • Conceptual Designer/marketing