Boyoung Lee

Digital ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Karan Nerwan
Loraine Wong

Boyoung Lee

Digital ArtistLondon, United Kingdom
  • London Design Festival 2024: Guerrilla Exhibition <0&1>
    London Design Festival 2024: Guerrilla Exhibition <0&1>✨ London Design Festival 2024: Guerrilla Exhibition ✨ I am honored to announce the debut of my first digital video installation, <0&1: Redefining Human Creativity in Digital Innovation>, which I had the privilege of overseeing and curating at the London Design Festival 2024. This installation represents an important milestone for Deepsee Digital Creative, where we explore the intricate relationship between human creativity and rapidly advancing technology. Using Generative AI, the work inv
  • <0&1> London Design Festival 2024: Guerrilla Exhibition
    <0&1> London Design Festival 2024: Guerrilla Exhibition� Venue: St. Ethelburga's Bedouin Tent, Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG � Time: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM � Date: Sun. Sep. 21. 2024
  • 0&1: Redefining Human Creativity in Digital Innovation
    0&1: Redefining Human Creativity in Digital Innovation 22 Sept 10:00—19:00 In Person Free, no ticket required The Bedouin Tent & Garden at St Ethelburga's Centre 78 Bishopsgate London EC2N 4AG #Generative AI Digital Design <0&1>is a Generative AI-based digital video installation,projected on a vertical 86-inch screen at St. Ethelburga's Bedouin Tent. This historically rebuilt site following WWII bombings serves as the perfect backdrop for merging AI-