Cristiana Pires

Cristiana Pires

London, United Kingdom
+ Info


Cristiana Pires

Cristiana Pires

London, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Employee Referral Scheme - Flat/Vector Poster Design
    Employee Referral Scheme - Flat/Vector Poster DesignEMPLOYEE REFERRAL SCHEME: An internal HR campaign looking to promote their employee referral initiative. The brief included a freedom to create something engaging that will attract the staff. The internal brand is very different than the corporate brand used to promote to clients. I focused on creating a vibrant/fun visual as its something that juxtaposes with the external branding. Using a flat minimal/iconographic aesthetic to illustrate the message in a fun way. THE CONCEPT: I looked to
  • Career & Well-being Campaign
    Career & Well-being CampaignFor the internal launch of HR's new Career and Well-being campaign, they requested a poster concept which would be placed around the office spread the message regarding the campaign and where they can find more info. for the concept, I thought a rocket seemed appropriate seeing as this is a new campaign and it will have been the first time it 'launches' to visualise promotion.