Daisy Ashby - Hawkins

Daisy Ashby - Hawkins

Junior AgentLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Emma Ludlow
Rebecca Morris
BRIT Careers Department
Daisy Ashby - Hawkins

Daisy Ashby - Hawkins

Junior AgentLondon, United Kingdom
  • 30 Films in 30 Days
    30 Films in 30 DaysOver the summer Pie Face Theatre produced 30 films in 30 days with directors and writers all over the UK. Take a look below to see the films we created!
  • Jam Sandwich
    Jam SandwichOur First feature length film. As part of Daisy Dot’s (the writer’s) recovery from Anorexia and Depression she wrote a script trying to make light out of her dark situation. Jam Sandwich is full of clichés on such a rich topic such as mental health but this time it’s seen from a different more comedic angle. A film that will not just make you sympathise but empathise. How does it feel to have an illness of the mind when it’s almost invisible to others?
  • Lower Case Monologues Series 1&2
    Lower Case Monologues Series 1&2A series of short monologues describing and observing the weird and wonderful world around us, dictated by the most bizarre of characters.
Projects credited in
  • Opportunity for work experince at Beresford Management
    Opportunity for work experince at Beresford ManagementThere is an opening for a student or alumni who might be looking for some work experience this October. Beresford Management would love to get in any BRIT students who might be interested in working in and around the world of talent management or just have a curiosity about how it all works on this side of the industry.
Work history
    Junior AgentBeresford Management
    London, United Kingdom
    Director/Producer/WriterPie Face Theatre
    London, United KingdomPart Time
+ Show more
     - Croydon, United Kingdom