Daniel Harvey

Daniel Harvey

CampaignerPlymouth, United Kingdom
+ Info


Margarida Aleixo
Louis Valenzuela
Adam Harrison
Daniel Harvey

Daniel Harvey

CampaignerPlymouth, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Social Media Adverts
    Social Media Adverts
  • Teco Centenary
    Teco CentenaryIn 2019, Tesco turned 100 years old. So we decided to celebrate by turning their prices back to what they used to be in the good old days. You know, before that massive recession hit. Directed by: John Sunter, MPC
  • Responsive Web design: Tesco Direct
    Responsive Web design: Tesco DirectWorked on tesco.com/direct/ site web design to give a approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors)
  • Plymouth Connections Competition 2019
    Plymouth Connections Competition 2019A competition which I took part in. My designs got picked and were featured on a graduation cup during the festivities in September 2019.
  • Portraits
    PortraitsA personal project I focused on strengthening my abilities with drawing portraits and close ups of faces. I really love drawing people, especially eyes. Some are based on real people as fan art.
  • NEW DESIGNERS 2020 - UNIVERSITY OF PLYMOUTH: BA (Hons) Product & Furniture Design and BA (Hons) Interior Design
    NEW DESIGNERS 2020 - UNIVERSITY OF PLYMOUTH: BA (Hons) Product & Furniture Design and BA (Hons) Interior DesignTaught by our team of professional designers, you 'learn by doing', taking on live projects with top companies, engaging in international competitions, popup shops and lots of making. You learn in small groups in a friendly studio environment, taking on new projects every 4-10 weeks to develop a multidisciplinary portfolio. Come and visit our students and their campus at their favourite Ocean City. Contact: Roy Tam, Admissions Tutor, roy.tam@plymouth.ac.uk
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