Ed Kraftman

Ed Kraftman

Creative director - www.meta.workBerlin, Germany
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Matt Willey
Jamie Brunskill
Grant Smith
Ed Kraftman

Ed Kraftman

Creative director - www.meta.workBerlin, Germany
About me
I spe­cial­ize in cre­ative di­rec­tion, art di­rec­tion and de­sign for pub­lic spaces, print and dig­i­tal as well as video. By bring­ing all means of col­lab­o­ra­tive prac­tice in­to­vi­sual and con­cep­tual fruition I work in the fields of cul­ture and com­merece. Work­ing across a wide range of medi­ums and a deep in­volve­ment in to­day’s cul­tural drive are key as­pects for me in the process of de­vel­op­ing cre­ative so­lu­tions and ap­ply­ing the new strate­gies to deal with to­day’s cre­ative de­mands at vi­sual-aes­thet­i­cal and con­cep­tual lev­els. In re­cent years I have worked on com­mis­sions in the UK, Eu­rope, Aus­tralia, Rus­sia and US with lead­ing brands in­sti­tu­tions & com­pa­nies as well as small busi­nesses and artists.
  • Diesel
    DieselCom­ple­tion date: June, 2013 Client: Diesel «Pray­ing hands» was cre­ated as para­phrase on the all-time favourite art­work by Al­brecht Dürer. The illustration was later acquired by Diesel for their SS16 collection.
  • State of Mine
    State of MineMe­dia: 2700 of 1 inch badges Di­men­sions: 135×110 cm. Cre­ated: 2007 Cour­tesy of Rip­ley’s. Or­lando, FL. 'S­tate of Mine' is a self-por­trait that at­tempts to rep­re­sent a vi­sion of var­i­ous in­for­ma­tion about the artist, his ‘in­for­ma­tion con­tents,’ such as the mul­ti­plic­ity of his thoughts, in­ter­ests, de­c­la­ra­tions, key mem­o­ries. Artist had cre­ated a set of graph­ics to il­lus­trate all of these as­pects, the char­ac­ter as a sys­tem of signs — a lan­guage to be used as a tem­plate for the cre­ation of his ‘in­for­ma­tion’ por­trait, that could be used to de­scribe him. As a re­sult there were pro­duced about 2,700 badges, with a range of around 200 unique sym­bols. Badges seemed a per­fectly ap­pro­pri­ate medium to use here, as they usu­ally dis­play a sub­ject with which their owner iden­ti­fies him­self. Each sym­bol - badge was placed so that its arrange­ment cre­ated his phys­i­cal por­trait along­side him­self in terms of in­for­ma­tion. The works name also de­scribes the idea it­self, play­ing on the eng­lish ex­pres­sion “state of mind”, which means a con­crete con­di­tion as to where some­one is at a spe­cific time. A men­tal state is a kind of state or process only pos­sessed by and unique to think­ing and feel­ing be­ings. Such a de­f­i­n­i­tion of an ob­jec­t’s con­di­tion pro­vides its con­cep­tual con­tents, that cre­ates a self-por­trait where each badge and its arrange­ment vi­su­alises the au­thor’s per­son­al­ity in the pe­riod of cre­ation.
  • egorkraft.co.uk
    egorkraft.co.ukegorkraft.co.uk Com­ple­tion date: Dec, 2015 We've de­signed and built a web­site for an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary artist Egor Kraft, with the mo­bile ver­sion & news cross­post­ing fea­ture linked to In­sta­gram and Tumblr. We've made a photo doc­u­men­ta­tion of the art­works as well as shot and edited self-ex­plana­tory films about his con­cep­tual works. We have also de­signed iden­tity & printed col­lat­eral, in­clud­ing port­fo­lio and busi­ness cards.
  • The New Now App
    The New Now AppiOS App. Re­leased: Sep­tem­ber 2016 Available on the Apple App Store Cre­ated in col­lab­o­ra­tion be­tween Egor Kraft & Alexan­der Let­cius Coded: Alex Linkov The app dis­plays a run­ning text of a re­lent­lessly repet­i­tively line: “…This very mo­ment, has al­ready be­come the past – This very…” etc. Ap­pli­ca­tion idea is based on the artis­tic work by Egor Kraft & Alexan­der Let­cius , seen on the right. How­ever in the case of be­ing placed in me­dia con­text the work, by re­lent­lessly man­i­fest­ing the mo­ment of now be­comes an in­stru­ment of re­turn­ing view­ers at­ten­tion back to the ex­is­tence in the pres­ence and ‘re­al­i­ty’, rather than im­mers­ing in vir­tu­al­ity, which as we know, me­dia tends to cause. Re­veal­ing the hyp­notic prop­erty of any time-based me­dia and semi­otic fea­tures of text, The work is sug­gested as a mon­u­ment to the ir­re­versibil­ity of the flow of time and the weak­nesses of analy­sis, as a method of com­pre­hend­ing, or sim­ply just as a dig­i­tal mantra.
  • www.meta.work
    www.meta.workInitial design of the meta.work website launched in 2013.
  • Editorial Illustrations
    Editorial IllustrationsSelection of editorial illustrations created for various magazines and artist books between 2008-2015.
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Work history
    Freeancer CreativeMETAWORK
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    Meta Work is a one person creative bureau with a multi-disciplinary approach and passion for art and culture. It is run by Egor Kraft and includes his collaborations with various international creatives.
    Commissioned Artist & DesignerMETAWORK
     - London, United KingdomFreelance
    Opening event visual campaign Leningrad Centre for Contemporary Culture / St. Petersburg
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  • Visual Arts
  • Print Design
  • Art Direction
  • Video
  • Design
  • Illustrator
  • Indesign
  • Photoshop
  • Web Digital Production
  • Art Drawing
  • Theory
  • Mural Art
  • After Affects
  • Idea Concept Development
  • Premier Pro Final Cut Pro
  • Ideas
  • Creative Arts
  • Art and Creative Direction
    Central Saint Martins (UAL) logo
    Central Saint Martins (UAL) logo
    Fine Arts 4DCentral Saint Martins (UAL)
     - London, United Kingdom
    Fine Arts
    Kunst MedienAcademy of Fine Arts
     - Vienna, Austria
    Art & Media
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    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    Creative Enterprise Awards 2014 NomineeUniversity of The Arts London (UAL)
    I was shortlisted for Creative Enterprise Awards 2014 as a Freelancer. The Award is organised by UAL. http://creativeenterpriseweek.com/awards