- In Our StarsPROBLEM Branding a mobile network for someone who is not very tech savvy. SOLUTION In Our Stars makes choosing and maintaining a network package simple and fun for its users. Themed around finding a deal that you are destined to be with, In Our Stars, uses the visual language of the zodiac system and personifies the different devices to add some human interest to choosing a network.
- Stranger ThingsPROBLEM Create a campaign event to rebrand something that is widely unpopular. SOLUTION chose to rebrand strangers. The ethos of my campaign is that talking to strangers can create a more integrated society, limit loneliness and improve local communities. It would also create an environment where people would be more likely to speak up about in justice and would protect one another's human rights. he Stranger Things event is a treasure hunt where people are given cards with information about other attendees and they have to match the answers to the right people by chatting with one another. I created a magazine to promote the Stranger Things events, branded T-shirts and posters. Bold colours and friendly illustrations are designed to put the audience at ease and encourage them to feel safe at and excited about Stranger Things
- Four pointsPROBLEM To create a corporate brochure, designed to retain the company's current staff. SOLUTION Using bright colours, bold shapes and playful illustrations I tried to create a brochure that that would be fun to read. I wanted to keep a good amount of white space on the page so that the text would be easily digestible and reader's would be happy to dip into the content on their lunch breaks.
- BloomPROBLEM My challenge was to create a travel app for an avid gardener who wanted to learn through their excursions. SOLUTION Bloom is a travel app that teaches users about the botanical properties of their destinations. A simple interface and mobile format mean that it can be used easily on the move. Optional entry fields allow users to plan their trips around particular destinations or browse popular places.
- The Beautiful MindPROBLEM To create a piece of communication that tackled a social issue in a way that is engaging and effective. SOLUTION The Beautiful Mind is a magazine which aims to open the conversation on Men's mental health. I opted for a minimalist style and a muted colour palate to create a mature aesthetic that would speak to its audience as adults and stand apart from the playful communications of its competitors
- Advertising
- Film
- Print Design
- Design
- Excel
- Final Cut Pro
- Illustrator
- Indesign
- Office
- Photoshop
- Powerpoint
- Word