As an experienced Interior Designer with diverse portfolio of projects, I help property developers and home owners with a wide range of services. Anything from helping select finishes for show homes to a full home staging and interior design services.
I also work with Estate Agents, helping their clients to sell their properties quick and to achieve the best offer. I inspect, advise and refurbish (or restyle) homes prior them going on the market.
I offer commercial interior design services for Coffee Shops, Restaurants & Bars, Nightclubs and Leisure Establishments. From a light restyling to a complete refurbishment.
Small Boutique Hotels, B&Bs and Holiday Lets (such as or AirBnB listings) also benefit from my services. I have experience and total understanding of the business needs combined with current market demands (and trends) to help owners increase occupancy and potentially raise rates through quality design.
Working with:
* Property Developers
* Estate Agents
* Small Business Owners
* Small Boutique Hotels / B&Bs / Holiday Let Management
Specialising in:
* Interior Design
* Home Staging
* Advisory Consultancy