Projects credited in
- Fat Lad. Fat Can't.Empowering plus-size cyclists to get out there and ride. Nowt else. Background Fat people get called some proper nasty stuff. Our research survey showed there was one overwhelmingly frequent phrase large cyclists are called by the public. At the bottom of this page are extracts from the research. Trigger warning. Insight Life’s too short to muck about with clothing that doesn’t make people feel good or make them feel included. Our idea Fat Lad At The Back doesn’t agree with the word CAN’T. Ac
- Rayvn. Simple isn't simple.How do you get people to realise there’s no time for learning curves in a crisis? Insight Complexity always feeds a crisis, but preparation feeds simplicity. Our idea Emailing 30 people at the same time, dead easy. Try emailing 30 people at the same time, all while your desk is on fire, not so easy. Simple isn’t so simple in a crisis. Fame This was Rayvn's first foray into international expansion. Launching in Amsterdam where they had zero unprompted awareness, it generated a huge increase in1
- Fat Lad. Change Gear.How do you get non-cyclists to ride in their Sunday best? Insight It’s not the cyclist who’s letting the side down, it’s often their bike gear. And that’s a problem. Our idea Constantly pulling down a jersey to cover their arse, chaffing nipples and sore wotsits… these aren’t the things encouraging someone to jump on their bike. It’s time to change gear. Fame The campaign created a 135% increase in web traffic to the Fat Lad website (compared to YoY). So not only did all the sales numbers go1
- Mango Bikes. Swipe Right.Mango Bikes continue to break the mould of what is expected from a bike brand. Taking on the huge Goliath bike brands of the world, to carve out their niche and sell shed-loads of bikes. Colourful, memorable and bold. This campaign reminds us of the Howard Gossage quote; "Nobody reads advertising. They read what interests them, and sometimes it's an Ad". Amen to that!3
- Mango Bikes. Spokes Newington.Brands can't have fun. Or can they? Maximus Outdoor ran a competition in early 2021 to celebrate the importance of neighbourhoods. After sifting through a bazillion entries, the judges chose our entry for Mango. "We really liked the sense of humour and simple play on words that tied in with the local area. And the environment works particularly well for this brand". It's slapped 5m high on the side of a building on Stoke Newington High Street. If it doubt, tickle and tittilate the public.3
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- Art Directon
- Communicating Ideas
- UX Design
- Creative Direction
- Advertising
- Brand Management