Jemima Davis

Jemima Davis

Graphic + Web DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Saliha Studio
Leanne van der Wel
Vanille Abdelnour
Jemima Davis

Jemima Davis

Graphic + Web DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I help to support and grow brands with graphic design and media management.
  • Website Design and Creation - Baby Speak
    Website Design and Creation - Baby SpeakThe client was just launching their own business off the back of leaving full-time employment so needed a website to showcase their qualifications and services as well as someone for people to make contact, booking enquires, and appointments.
  • Website Re-Design - The Shopper
    Website Re-Design - The ShopperRe-designed an existing website, keeping the minimalistic aesthetic but making the whole website more streamlined and succinct. We also added a page for other work outside of the client’s main brand as a way of including external links in the redesign to help increase SEO.
  • Website Creation - Dr Hazel Wallace
    Website Creation - Dr Hazel WallaceDesigned and built a portfolio-like website that acts as a space for the client to display services as well as a place for people to make contact.
  • Website Creation - The River Club
    Website Creation - The River ClubDesigned and built the website to support the public consultation of The River Club - a member's sports and social club.
  • Email Marketing - On The Table
    Email Marketing - On The TableTemplates were designed by me along with a monthly campaign strategy. These were then put together and built out in Klaviyo with photography and occasional copy input from the client.
  • Email Marketing - Green Kitchen Stories
    Email Marketing - Green Kitchen StoriesEmail marketing template designs for the food blog Green Kitchen Stories.
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Work history
    Graphic and Website DesignerJericho Creative
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    + Graphic and website design + Most recent clients include: The River Club, Baby Speak, The Shopper, and
    Website BuilderMonday Club
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    + Website management [squarespace] for the studio's clients
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  • Email Design
  • Social Media Management
  • Website Management
  • Graphic Design