Jermain Waelchi

Graphic DesignerVictoria Coach Station, 164 Buckingham Palace Rd, Belgravia, London SW1W 9TP, UK
+ Info


Russell Schaller

Jermain Waelchi

Graphic DesignerVictoria Coach Station, 164 Buckingham Palace Rd, Belgravia, London SW1W 9TP, UK
About me
TaiLieuBachKhoa.net - Thư viện tài liệu trực tuyến gồm nhiều chuyên ngành khác nhau giúp các bạn học sinh, sinh viên có nguồn tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích.
Projects credited in
  • Meet the Superhumans: 4Creative's Paralympics Case Study
    Meet the Superhumans: 4Creative's Paralympics Case StudyBackground Channel 4 had the broadcast rights to the 2016 Rio Paralympics, so we knew the opportunity to promote it was there. In 2012 the focus was all around the athletes. This time round we wanted to broaden the term superhuman to include non athletes as well.