Jess Lambert

Jess Lambert

Prosthetics ArtistSouthampton, United Kingdom
+ Info


Natalia Reyes
Seyi Adekola
Jess Lambert

Jess Lambert

Prosthetics ArtistSouthampton, United Kingdom
About me
Prosthetic design artist and Creature designer
  • BDBM Halloween Photoshoot
    BDBM Halloween PhotoshootThis makeup was produced for a promotional shoot for a nightclub Halloween event
  • Terror Island 2022
    Terror Island 2022Throughout October 2022 I was hired to work as an sfx MUA on the 2022 Terror Island event on Blackgang Chine. I created themed makeup looks for the individual mazes and applied them to scare actors over the six event dates.
  • Unicorn human hybrid
    Unicorn human hybridMy take on a unicorn human hybrid using a flatmould prosthetic created and applied by myself. Shot as part of the Solent University open day
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Projects credited in
  • Zombie Short Film
    Zombie Short FilmFor this project I had to create a short film that consisted of a character/creature with prosthetics.