jessica clark

jessica clark

Editorial IllustratorNorwich, United Kingdom
+ Info


flavia felipe
jessica clark

jessica clark

Editorial IllustratorNorwich, United Kingdom
About me
HI, I'm Jess (also known as Heartiines on social media), I am currently studying illustration at Norwich University of The Arts and soon to be a graduate of this institution come summer 2024. I specialise in editorial illustration, using both traditional and digital methods of creating collages that both comment on and elevate the narratives I am working with. Whilst I am open to illustrating all stories, I am particularly interested in working with stories revolving around sociopolitical, environmental and humanitarian issues. I am yet to create any work in a professional setting, I aspire to see my work in the news, dignifying any articles or stories to which I am illustrating.
  • Never Mind the Oblivion zine
    Never Mind the Oblivion zineThis zine series is a visceral account on current affairs and news which has caught my eye over a span of time. It is a personal statement on all the news has to offer. If there’s anything I wanted my audience to take from looking through these zines, it is to keep engaging with news- I know it’s a lot but all we can do is listen and learn in the hope that one day everything will get a bit better.
  • Never Mind the Oblivion
    Never Mind the OblivionWith Britain crumbling at the fault of the government, it is impertinent that we as a population take the time to have some understanding of the issues at hand. All too often I hear people proudly vocalise their ignorance to current affairs and whilst I understand that ignoring the problem means it does not burden you. The ignorance is not bliss; it is affecting future generations. Never mind the oblivion, take 5 minutes out of your day to engage with the present. This project sought to enlighte
  • Illustration
  • Abobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Microsoft
  • Design
  • Publishing
  • Editorial Illustration
  • Editorial Content
  • Zine Design
    IllustrationNorwich University fo the Arts
    Norwich, United Kingdom