I have an excellent command of the English language, and hold a degree in English Literature and Media Communications. I have over three years of Copywriting, Proofing and Editing experience in a highly successful advertising agency. I was their Senior Copywriter, Proofreader and Editor, as well as the Head of Social Media.
- SPAR GuestfitHelped implement a national, internal campaign that was rolled out across South Africa for store owners and staff. Dealt with customer service, customer experience and quality control. I wrote the copy for the project, from manuals, website copy, handbooks, in-store posters and other collateral.
- Writing
- Creative
- Strategic Branding
- Social Media
- Proofreading
- Content Creatiion
- Management
- Reliable
- Relationship Management
- Professional
- Ad Copywriting
- Marketing Strategy
English and Media and Cultural StudiesUniversity of Kwazulu Natal
- Durban, South Africa