Kelly Eagle

Kelly Eagle

Events DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Charles Olayinka
James Stewart
Kelly Eagle

Kelly Eagle

Events DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Craftdriven Experiments Through Projection Mapping
    Craftdriven Experiments Through Projection MappingFor out tenth birthday we took things back to basics in order to explore how far we’ve come, creating a series of extraordinary optical illusions through the medium of craft – and all in a tight, ten-hour window. We gave ourselves just ten days to concept and ten hours to create what would be this celebratory anniversary stunt at the Honourable Artillery Company in Moorgate, centrepiece for the NABS’ (National Advertising Benevolent Society) Stranger than Summer fund-raising ball. Calling on creators and craftsmen of all disciplines, our aim was to use the beauty and simplicity of their art to capture the magic and complexity of ours, drawing on origami, textiles, embroidery, model making, screen printing, illustration and simple stop-frame animation to showcase the dexterity, versatility and possibility of what we do. All that was captured was played back using our own D3 media server and two Barco HDX-W20 Flex 20,000 Lumen projectors. We tried to use all the same principles that we’d use in a normal project, (–extrusion, occlusion, contrast, shadows etc.), but used the physical rather than digital as our starting point. The result was a revolutionary show that revisited the past in order to embrace the future, going beyond the realm of groundbreaking motion graphics to express our art in a compellingly different way.
  • Swarovski Gift Box UK Tour
    Swarovski Gift Box UK TourAn interactive gift box touring the UK in time for Christmas.