Leo E. Flores

Leo E. Flores

IllustratorBarcelona, Spain
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Israel Adewumi
Maria Schmidt
Arfa Khan
Leo E. Flores

Leo E. Flores

IllustratorBarcelona, Spain
About me
Born in Buenos Aires in 1974, Leonardo Flores is active in the areas of editorial illustration, drawing and concept art for cinema and TV. After having published comic strips in “El Tony” and “Nippur” magazines and working for 5 years as a Cartoon Art Director in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the year 2000 he decides to live in Barcelona, Spain. His illustrations are published in diverse publications such as the magazines SÀPIENS, JAÇ, CUINA, LA MAREA and the newspapers LA VANGUARDIA and PÚBLICO. He has created hundreds of book covers for publishing houses such as Ediciones B, Planeta, Minotauro, Timun Mas, Random House Mondadori, Suma de Letras, Ikusager, Ara Llibres and others. As a book cover illustrator, he has created images for authors such Stephen King, Orson Scott Card, Dan Simmons, Noah Gordon, Stanislaw Lem, Greg Bear, George Martin, Mary Stewart and others. He has also collaborated with advertising agencies, cinema producers and campaigns for brands such as Nesquick, Bank of Boston, diario Clarín, diario La Nación, Buckler, Heineken, Mitsubishi, Arcor, etc. Other clients: Nylon Guys Magazine (New York), Viva La Card (New York), Foneclay (San Diego), Petite Poste (Zurich), Época Negocios Magazine (Sao Paulo). He is the scriptwriter for the magazine Tretze Vents, for the comic strip “Animalades”, in collaboration with illustrator Rebeca Luciani. With her he has also illustrated the story “El Cuento del Cafecito”, written by Julia Álvarez. Until March 2022 he has worked on eighteen illustrated books. As a concept artist for cinema and TV, he worked for “The Orphanage” (2007) and “The Impossible” (2012), both films directed by J. A. Bayona. He is the author of the film poster for “The Orphanage” too, and other inspirational drawings and matte paintings for various films and TV spots.
  • Piu-Piu 56
    Piu-Piu 56In 2010 «PAMSA» released issue 1 of «Piu-Piu», the first magazine published and produced in Catalan and in Catalonia for children from 0 to 5 years. These are some of the illustrations I made for this lovely magazine, in 2021 june.
  • Some portraits.
    Some portraits."The Club of the Execrables: The Dark Side of the Most Idolized Persons of Humanity", book by Malcolm Otero and Santi Gimenez, (Ediciones B, Barcelona 2018).
  • Illustrations for «Sàpiens» Magazine (Barcelona, Spain).
    Illustrations for «Sàpiens» Magazine (Barcelona, Spain).«Sàpiens» Magazine is well known for its extensive research on history. Currently, it`s the best-selling magazine in Catalan, with a circulation of over one hundred thousand readers.
  • etcetera!
    etcetera!The accidental encounter between a tiger and a grasshopper on a mountan is the context in which friendship is revealed as a treasure. "etcetera!" is a personal project, based on the experience of living in the neighborhood of El Raval, in Barcelona, ​​and having the opportunity to connect with people coming from different countries, and discover that each person who arrives to us has something to teach us, something to share, something to learn. These are the first eight pages of the project
  • Personal Journal.
    Personal Journal.Personal artwork. Improvised drawings on notebooks.
  • SÀPIENS Magazine, Barcelona.
    SÀPIENS Magazine, Barcelona.«Sàpiens» Magazine is well known for its extensive research on history. Currently, it`s the best-selling magazine in Catalan, with a circulation of over one hundred thousand readers.
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Work history
    IllustratorRandom House Spain
    Barcelona, SpainFreelance
    Freelance illustrator working on book covers and illustrated books.
  • Illustration
  • Art Direction
  • Concept art
  • Book Covers
    9AAAP (Asociación Argentina de Agencias de Publicidad).
     - Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Art Direction.