Matt Emmett

Matt Emmett

Photographer / Graphic DesignerReading, United Kingdom
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Pip Jamieson
Heather Allen
Jila Svicevic
Matt Emmett

Matt Emmett

Photographer / Graphic DesignerReading, United Kingdom
About me
Multi international award winning architectural photographer with a specialism for at-risk heritage and historic locations. Founder of Forgotten Heritage, a popular series of social channels (audience 180k+) that highlight at-risk heritage across Europe. Author of Forgotten Heritage, published in 2016. Graphic designer working in the toy industry (Spin Master) with 9 years experience in print and digital design.
  • PENTAX UK photography assignment
    PENTAX UK photography assignmentA paid photographic assignment to abandoned locations in Hungary to create a catalogue of interesting imagery that can be used on the companies social channels. The locations included a derelict train yard, a mid demolition power plant, a graveyard for Mig 21 fighter jets, the ruins of a large barracks and a vacant office building.
  • Historic Photographer of the Year - Winners interview
    Historic Photographer of the Year - Winners interviewAfter winning the first Historic Photographer of the Year in 2017 they asked me to do an interview. You can read it here.
  • The Lovelace Mausoleum - UK
    The Lovelace Mausoleum - UKThe mausoleum was built to house the remains of the 1st Earl of Lovelace and his wife. It is a beautiful flint and brick construction, hexagonal in footprint with a domed roof that contains a lantern. Grade II listed. The building had remained entirely hidden behind thick vegetation until 2008 when it was cleared and the mausoleum restored to its former glory. Photographed on assignment for Heritage Open Days.
  • Church of the Holy Trinity Crypt - UK
    Church of the Holy Trinity Crypt - UKHoly Trinity Church is a grade II listed building in Reading that was built in 1826. Below the church is an interesting subterranean crypt. I spent a few hours here in September 2018 photographing it.
  • Denge Acoustic Sound Mirrors - UK
    Denge Acoustic Sound Mirrors - UKThe Denge sound mirrors at Lydd-on-Sea are a leftover technology developed just prior to the advent of RADAR. These large concave concrete dishes were designed to collect and amplify the sound of as yet 'out of sight' aircraft approaching from across the English Channel. The faint sound was collected at the centre of the dish where a mounted microphone amplified it for an operator seated in a cubicle. They worked very well but also amplified other sounds making precise identification tricky. The
  • National Gas Turbine Establishment Anechoic Chamber - UK
    National Gas Turbine Establishment Anechoic Chamber - UKThe large anechoic chamber at the now demolished (2013) Pyestock (NGTE) site in Fleet, Hampshire is the last remaining building at a site steeped in cold war history. The wider site developed jet engines and naval gas turbine engines for fifty years and was the leading site in the world for this kind of research. The anechoic chamber tested the acoustic properties of the various engines and was in use by private aerospace companies until fairly recently. There are plans for a housing developer t
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  • Photography
  • Graphic Design
  • Copywriting
  • Storytelling
  • Public Speaking
  • Teaching
  • Retouching
  • Digital Skills
  • Photoshop
  • Social Media
    BA(Hons) Interdisciplinary DesignThames Valley University
    Reading, United Kingdom
    1st Class (Hons)
    Historic Photographer of the YearTrip Historic
    Architectural Photographer of the YearWorld Architecture Festival
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