Maziar Monshi

Maziar Monshi

Software EngineerNew York, United States
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Affilka Company
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Maziar Monshi

Maziar Monshi

Software EngineerNew York, United States
  • Maziar Monshi Music and IT
    Maziar Monshi Music and IT
Projects credited in
  • Featured App of the Day!
    Featured App of the Day!We are so excited to announce that our brilliant app has been featured by Apple as App of the Day! Download (it’s free!) to network, collaborate, build your brand & find amazing opportunities all with a few taps. What are you waiting for? Kickstart your dream career here.
  • The Anthem
    The AnthemWe were lucky enough to have the oppurtunity to work with Canon's Simeon Quarrie, who produced this amazing film for us featuring the students from Kensington & Chelsea College.
  • Unconscious bias: why there is no quick fix and how we can work together to resolve it.
    Unconscious bias: why there is no quick fix and how we can work together to resolve it.We recently launched a ‘blind recruitment’ tool - where candidates are assessed solely on their skills & creative output - with the aim of giving recruiters the option to challenge their unconscious biases in the first stage of shortlisting candidates. Of course, in a bias-free world, we wouldn't need 'blind recruitment'. But until then, like ‘blind’ orchestra auditions where musicians are judged solely on their musical quality, it's one of the small drops that can create an ocean of change.