Nicola Anstice

Nicola Anstice

Creative CopywriterLondon, United Kingdom
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Richard Humphris
meone pop
Rashi Singh
Nicola Anstice

Nicola Anstice

Creative CopywriterLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I’m from Belfast and currently live in London. I have a degree in Advertising and a Masters in Communication Design. I’m crafty with words, but I have a passion for conceptual thinking. I enjoy solving creative problems and coming up with beautiful and original ideas, that work.
  • Nike SB
    Nike SBSkate shops are under threat as they struggle to compete with giant stores. So we came up with a way that skate shops could offer customers a wide range of Nike SB sneakers without having to physically stock them in the store.
  • Learn with Facebook
    Learn with FacebookIn June 2018 Facebook pledged to teach 1 million people digital skills by 2020. They asked us to create an online learning platform to help them reach their goal – so we created, Learn With Facebook.
  • Flag as unkind
    Flag as unkindDuring a hack week we set ourselves the brief to start raising the standard of media culture and online behaviour. So we created a tool to highlight unkind, abusive and misleading content on the Internet. We created a community-based system that allows anyone to report problematic content.
  • DeliverAid
    DeliverAidDuring the 2020 Coronavirus global pandemic we created a donation-based platform to help provide healthy, warm, sustaining meals to frontline NHS workers.
  • HSBC
    HSBCI creatively led the build of two e-Learning courses for HSBC. Both shared the aim of pushing the boundaries of innovation and content design, to make employee education more engaging.
  • Nike React
    Nike ReactIn Nov 2019 Nike released a new shoe called the Nike React Infinity Run. We created a dynamic scrollable experience that told the story of the Nike React, giving people an opportunity to discover the benefits of the shoe and the app working together to keep them running pain-free.
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Projects credited in
  • Top 10: career advice tips for 2022
    Top 10: career advice tips for 2022Job hunting? Thinking of pivoting your career? Struggling with motivation? Wanting to grow your network? We’ve got you! We’ve put together our top 10 career-related questions for 2022 to help you navigate through the year ahead, no matter if you’re just starting out, or already have experience in the industry. Click through to see insights, advice and top tips from industry mentors and our brilliant Dots community. Got some thoughts of your own? Please add your own wisdom if you have anything
  • The Rise Brand
    The Rise BrandFilming Promo videos for growing, menage and advertise a Brand in right direction
  • – Journal Issue 2 – Journal Issue 2As the future of life looks ever more complexly mixed with reality, it’s important to harness the best moments of human integrity, generosity and courage more so than ever before. We hope you enjoy what these founders have to say. Each issue is litho printed, size 17 x 24 cm. Features include: Elon Musk’s Mission Marjan Van Aubel, Founder Caventou Meg & Rosie, Co-Founders Bühler + Co Emmanuelle Moeglin, Founder Experimental Perfume Club Emma Sibley, Co-Founder London Terrariums Robert Poll & D
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Work history
    Content Team Lead
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    Hugo & Cat logo
    Hugo & Cat logo
    CopywriterHugo & Cat
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    Concept and create digital campaigns for brands such as Royal Mail, Black & Decker, Volkswagen, Sony and Tourism Ireland. From writing video scripts and social media posts to naming apps and developing interactive websites, help brands engage with their audience.
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  • Copywriting
  • Storytelling
  • Brand
  • Video Scriptwriting
  • Advertising
  • Digital Content
  • Article Writer
  • Ideas
  • Social Media
  • Visual Communiation
    Master of Arts - Communication DesignUniversity of Salford
     - Salford, United Kingdom
    Programme includes modules in Advertising, Branding, Graphic & 3D Design, Photography, Copywriting and Research Methods. Professional practice involves working on live briefs with clients and final submission put into production.
    Bachelor of Arts (BA) AdUniversity of Chester
     - Warrington, United Kingdom
    Programme includes modules in Advertising, Copywriting, Multimedia Production, Photography, Visual Communication, Creative Problem Solving, Viral Marketing, Public Relations, Project Management and Campaign Design.
    The Drum logo
    The Drum logo
    Chip Shop AwardsThe Drum
    Best ad for something that does not need to be advertised
    ADCAN logo
    ADCAN logo
    A film for 'The Girlhood' - Gender Equality