Phoebe Potter

Phoebe Potter

Fashion designer GraduateLincoln, United Kingdom
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Pip Jamieson
Martin Schnabl
Kayla Varley
Phoebe Potter

Phoebe Potter

Fashion designer GraduateLincoln, United Kingdom
About me
I have just completed BA Fashion at the University of Lincoln, with the hope of comtinuing my studies specialsing in textiles/ print design. I am looking for exciting opportunities/ experience within the fashion industry. Instagram @phoebepotterdesign
  • SEW OVER IT! Final Graduate Collection
    SEW OVER IT! Final Graduate CollectionMy Final Graduate collection named SEW OVER IT! Is highly illustrative and print-based visualising the anxious thoughts I face when sewing and pattern cutting. These fears had started to become ‘monsters in my head’ of which to take control of I creatively illustrated and combined my fears into garments, generating canvases to hold my illustrations and prints, projecting the overwhelming scale my thought amount to through the medium of prints. I have drawn sewing machine monsters, moody princess
    SEW OVER IT! FINAL GRADUATE FASHION COLLECTIONA/W 21 SEW OVER IT! FINAL COLLECTION LOOKBOOK Fashion and prints that celebrate strength in fear, self-expression, individuality, and fabulous fashion fun! Millinery collaboration from my fellow University of Lincoln fashion student Catt Leadbeater
  • eVeRyThInG sToPs FoR tEa
    eVeRyThInG sToPs FoR tEaA fashion/ print project inspired by Russian teatime which started back in the early 19th century. For Russians tea is not only a drink but a lifestyle, a time to be taken out of the day where family gather, enjoyed by all walks of life alike nobody is excluded, this led me to develop my concept eVeRyThInG sToPs FoR tEa. I looked at an object called the Samovar, the essential device for Russian teatime which boils water, Samovar means “ Boils itself”, therefore considering this I looked into fe
  • Superdry X Phoebe Potter Dare to be Different
    Superdry X Phoebe Potter Dare to be DifferentA diffusion range of sweaters from my final collection SEW OVER IT. A project aiming to shake up the Superdry system and dare to be different within design. The sweaters celebrate Superdry fashion fun for all ages!
  • Spill the tea
    Spill the teaAn illustration and millinery project inspired by Barbara Cartland and the luxury and Couture of a vintage 50s tea party. The spirit of this project is taking tea as an occasion with fine silk, tea doilies and vintage floral fabrics and trims. Barbara Cartland but make it fashion...
  • pEcK
    pEcKA fashion/ print project I developed inspired by the cruel truth that some chickens on poultry farms are horrifically debeaked to prevent them from pecking other chickens, an action stimulated by the agitation and stress they are under. Poultry producers remove an instinctive mode of survival from chickens leaving them ultimately beakless of which I through this project aimed to challenge and act against through fashion. As part of my research, I explored the horrific conditions battery farmed c
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Work history
    Supermarket assistantWaitrose
     - Lincoln, United KingdomPart Time
    Online night shopper and general supermarket assistant at Waitrose and partners
  • Fashion Design
  • Print Design
  • Illustration
  • Fashion Drawing
  • Fashion Concept
  • Fashion Degree
  • Adobe
    BA Fashion DesignUniversity of Lincoln
     - Lincoln, United Kingdom
    1st class degree BA FashionUniversity of Lincoln